Church’s visitation program brings hope to local families

28 May 2023

On the 27th of May, the Women’s Ministry and the Adventist Community Services Department of the Kosali Seventh-day Adventist church organized a visitation program to their nearby community. The program involved visiting a family in the area and sharing God’s word with them. The visitation program was also accompanied by the Adventurers and Pathfinders of the Kosali Seventh-day Adventist church.

After Sabbath, the group made their second visitation program to a nearby family. In addition to sharing God’s word, they also distributed food items to the family. The visitation program was well-received and the family greatly appreciated the gesture.

The visitation program was a resounding success. The family enjoyed the program and were touched by the kindness shown by the members of the Kosali Seventh-day Adventist church. As a result, some members of the family made the decision to accept Christ.

To God be the glory.

Luke Pawia
