“Young Preachers Inspire at World Adventurer Day Event in Wau Waria District”

21 May 2023

On Sabbath, May 20th, 2023, the Adventurer Department of the Wau Waria District of the Seventh-day Adventist Church organization hosted their special yearly event “The WORLD ADVENTURER DAY”. This event brings together young Adventurers from across the district to participate in a day of worship, fellowship and outreach.

This year’s event was a combined district program where young Adventurers took part in all Sabbath Programs. The Town church Adventurers conducted the Sabbath School and the Kosali & Wau church Adventurers conducted the Divine Service. The guest speaker for this main Worship was young children preacher Ruth Charlie Kiwi of Kossli church. “It was an amazing experience to see so many young people coming together to worship and praise God,” said Ruth.

After lunch, all Adventurers journeyed to the next venue for Street Witnessing. As they walked the street, they shared food with anyone they met. The Wau Town Outreach - Street Witnessing was conducted by Town church Adventurers and Chris Memorial church Adventurers. The street witnessing speaker was young children preacher Violet Bana of Town Church. “It was a great opportunity to share God’s love with others and make a positive impact in our community,” said Violet.

The Adventurers also sang beautiful songs of praise showing their gratitude to their Creator God who lives and reigns forever.

The program was a success and the team leader acknowledged the audience for being part of it. “We are grateful for everyone who participated and made this event possible,” said the team leader. All praise, glory, and honor be to our almighty God.

Luke Pawia
